SUPREME{PR} Organic SoundCloud Promotion and Reposts

Month: January 2023


HADEZ Da Prophet

HADEZ Da Prophet

#HADEZ Da Prophet #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: HADEZ Da Prophet Who are you? Soulful Where are you from? Iā€™m from SW Washington DC SHOUT TO THE 4 How can we follow you?
Ionie Marise

Ionie Marise

#Ionie Marise #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Ionie Marise Who are you? I channel my emotion into songs to process my thoughts. I am an artist who aims to help bring peace of mind that itā€™s okay to say what you have on your mind and I show myself everyday that I can...


#Iason #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: Iason Who are you? Happy genuine person. Iā€™m just a sad dude when Iā€™m left alone and thatā€™s when I start making songs Where are you from? Nashville, TN . Just country music but Iā€™m not a fan of making country music. I like doing...
The Less Few

The Less Few

#The Less Few #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: The Less Few Who are you? Versatile Where are you from? Chicago suburbs. Music is blues and classic Rock. And a little of everything How can we follow you? Soundcloud Song Title: Hard to Believe Listen to The Less Few:...
No Invite

No Invite

#No Invite #TheSupremeTeam Artist Name: No Invite Who are you? To describe myself as a artist in one word is versatile but that is too little of an explanation I try to leave no stone unturned when it comes to the genres Iā€™m making I feel as a artist u should be able...