
by | Jan 16, 2022

Published by The Supreme Team on January 16, 2022

Artist Name: Fusion

Artist Bio

My name is AJ and I'm a music artist/producer going by the name Fusion. I grew up playing the alto saxophone, guitar, and piano. I was inspired by electronic music in 2013 (my last semester of high school) and that was when I started producing. I graduated from the University of Iowa with a mechanical engineering degree (BSE) and with minors in math and computer science in 2017. Throughout my time in college, I still found time to learn music production and mixing techniques. I'm all self taught and I'm now producing professional, mainstream quality music in my spare room in my apartment which is only partially acoustically treated. I'm currently growing my social media and I just started distributing my music to all major music platforms. I'm a one man team right now but I need some support to blow up.

Tell us who you are:

I have an unorthodox way of mixing my music which gives it a signature/unique sound. People will listen because of the high energy that my music delivers. People love high energy.

Discover this artist:

YouTube is the best place to get to know me as an individual. I'm doing regular uploads where I am in front of the camera:

YouTube Link: www.youtube.com/channel/UCJUItmYIhFmD3faIQVDMEXA

Song Title: Chasing

Listen: Fusion track:


Contact Artist: fusionmusicproducer@gmail.com

Source: supremepr.us/

Reposted from : supremepr.us/