by | Oct 26, 2023


Published by The Supreme Team on October 26, 2023

#MC JE #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: MC JE

Who are you?

I do everything in a day….more or less.
Ive had the same ways since I born i 1987…I just dont shit my pants…….as often.
I do my best to capture a feeling and the moment it originates from.
If I am permitted…I will engage in past, present and future connecting.
Its our choice to see constellations in the sky when we look at stars…..that or we are just looking at shiny dots. Im the only ME there is…if you know another…lemme know where he is…the kid is awesome and deserves a Real Big Hug!

"All I wanna be is Free."
-Ol' Dirty Bastard

Where are you from?

Im from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Born and Raised…got a house 5 doors from my Mom…ultimately, THATS WHERE IM FROM….Mothers Day EVERYDAY. Ive luckily been blessed with records since birth…so music is all around me…the scene is suprisingly vibrant though. It has enabled to flourish amidst an unbelieveable amount of the most talented artists…aswell as attract some of the biggest names in the business…no matter what genre is your preference…..Come Visit!

How can we follow you?

Soundcloud…ive been recording music for +20years…ive got +50gigabytes…..but i havent done social media and ive never shared online……..until NOW.

Song Title: Rank or Ranker Anchor

Listen to MC JE:
