How Much is 100,000 Followers Worth?

by | May 16, 2024

The Supreme Team - Organic SoundCloud Promotion and Reposts

Published by The Supreme Team on May 16, 2024

The value of 100,000 followers on SoundCloud varies depending on various factors, including the engagement level of your audience, the quality of your music, and your ability to monetize your fan base effectively. While having a large number of followers can increase your visibility and credibility as an artist, the true worth of your followers lies in their genuine support and engagement with your music.


While having a large number of followers on SoundCloud can be beneficial for artists, it is essential to focus on building a loyal and engaged fan base rather than solely chasing numbers. By cultivating meaningful connections with your audience and delivering high-quality music that resonates with them, you can maximize the value of your followers and create a sustainable and successful music career.

Quality Over Quantity

Instead of fixating on the number of followers, prioritize the quality of your engagement with your audience. Focus on creating meaningful connections with your fans, delivering high-quality music that resonates with them, and providing value through exclusive content, behind-the-scenes access, and personalized interaction.

Monetizing Your Fan Base

Once you have built a loyal and engaged fan base on SoundCloud, explore opportunities to monetize your following effectively. Consider joining SoundCloud’s Premier program, offering exclusive merchandise or experiences, and leveraging other monetization features to generate revenue from your music and fan support.

Long-Term Success

Ultimately, the true worth of your followers on SoundCloud lies in their genuine support for your music and their willingness to engage with your content over the long term. By focusing on building authentic relationships with your audience and delivering value through your music, you can create a sustainable and successful music career that extends far beyond follower counts.


The Supreme Team is an Austin, Texas promotion agency started by Indie Artists for Indie Artists. Our Organic SoundCloud Promotion and Organic Spotify Promotion is provided through a network of influencers and artists in the United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, Brazil, and more.

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