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FREE DOWNLOAD – SPOTIFY 3,100 Spotify Playlists With Contacts


Our Spotify Playlist Curators List helps you to tackle this massive market with detailed contact info for over 3,100 curated Spotify playlists. Our spreadsheet includes URLs, various contacts, and other information. Use this to pitch your music to the playlists to increase your visibility and fan engagement on Spotify. The genres include Rap, Electronic, Pop, Rock, and many others. Format: CSV. Instant Download. 

How to open a CSV or XLSX spreadsheet in Google Sheets:


Our Spotify Playlist Curators List helps you to tackle this massive market with detailed contact info for over 3,100 curated Spotify playlists. Our spreadsheet includes URLs, various contacts, and other information. Use this to pitch your music to the playlists to increase your visibility and fan engagement on Spotify. The genres include Rap, Electronic, Pop, Rock, and many others. Format: CSV. Instant Download. 

How to open a CSV or XLSX spreadsheet in Google Sheets: